Broadcast, studio production, and live production facilities are transitioning from SDI to IP infrastructure. Much of this relies on ST 2110 which means that resolving problems relies on moving from point-to-point diagnosis to network-centric troubleshooting. Monitoring by exception is critical to easing this transition.
Monitoring by Exception Reduces Stress and Increases Productivity
Because IP troubleshooting is more complex than point-to-point fault isolation, your engineers need to be available to focus on analysis instead of searching across monitor walls in the hope of finding anomalies. We propose monitoring your most crucial media feeds, by exception, with sophisticated software, can be a tremendous enhancement to your team’s productivity. Instead of continually looking for audio, video, and ancillary data problems, engineers need not worry about them unless they have been notified that one exists. They can perform their daily tasks while a software tool monitors the facility for them.

Worry Less, Fix Fast
Monitoring by exception only alerts you when there is something to be concerned about. An alert will direct you directly to the problem. This means you are free to focus on daily tasks. In an environment with constant deadline pressure and potential financial impacts when you encounter a problem, the last thing you need to the stress of searching for problems. In fact, there are many problems you will never notice by looking at a monitor wall or multiviewer, like incorrect languages on multi-lingual broadcasts, that software can identify with ease. Creative people and even some of your engineers should not need to think about infrastructure. They don’t care how content gets to and from them. They just care about having that content to do their job efficiently.

Monitoring By Exception Lets You Focus On Anomalies
You don’t need to constantly watch everything. You need to quickly find and fix a few issues; but, you need to do it consistently and you needed to do it fast. You can do this with a probe like Inspect 2110 that is able to monitor many streams and notify you quickly when it identifies an exception to the expected content or behavior. This happens “behind the scenes” and the only time you need to focus on a problem is when something goes wrong. Your team has greater productivity because they worry about the hundreds of things that are working just fine. They can spend their time fixing faults. That’s why broadcasters and production organizations need monitoring.

Three Broadcast and Production Monitoring By Exception Use Cases
Let’s look at three ways that monitoring by exception can increase the productivity of broadcast and production engineering operations.
Monitoring By Exception Helps Validate Contribution Feeds
Monitoring by exception is an important tool to automatically validate the correctness of a broadcaster’s many “front end” contribution links. There are a plethora of media coming into a facility. It is not necessary to monitor it all but that’s possible. More pertinent, perhaps, is that some of that media is critically important. That is what requires the most attention and is where value comes from even a small system. Monitoring by exception allows engineers to focus on fixing issues with incoming contribution streams because they only have to worry about them when they are notified by the probe.
Monitoring By Exception Helps Production Engineering Monitor Multiple Studios
Monitoring by exception is a powerful tool in facilities with limited staff and multiple studios. A small production engineering team can simultaneously monitor several studios or production control rooms within a single facility. This will maximize the number of studios they can support while minimizing the stress placed on the team members.
Monitoring By Exception Helps EICs Manage Multiple OB Production Trucks
It can be a tremendously stressful experience to manage even a single production vehicle in a large compound. From timing your vehicle to all the others in the yard to the constant connecting and disconnecting of cables, Engineers in Charge (EICs) have a daunting task. Once production begins the stress only increases. Anything one can do to increase the productivity of an EIC and their team brings you one step closer to a highly acclaimed production. Today, this daunting task can become even more complex. One EIC may be responsible for more than one vehicle. In such cases monitoring the outputs of multiple trucks in a live-production compound can be the essential key to monitoring more than one truck by understanding what’s happening within them from a single location.
Let’s Talk Today
Telestream provides a number of resources related to monitoring by exception and seamless transition To IP diagnostics.
To learn more about Inspect 2110 and monitoring by exception visit our webpage here.
To learn more about the PRISM Media Analysis Platform and the whole Waveform Monitor family click here.
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